Corporate Policy & Resources Committee

9 September 2024 ADDENDUM                         


Waterfront Site, Bridge Street, Staines-upon-Thames

Purpose of the report

To clarify adjustments made to the demise envelope height included within the draft Heads of Terms relating to the Agreement for Lease


Report Author

Coralie Holman

Ward(s) Affected





Exemption Reason

Not Applicable 

Corporate Priority

Resilience (economic)



Committee is asked to recommend to Council:

1.    Committee is asked to note the amended demise envelope height to be included within the Heads of Terms

Reason for Recommendation

To assist councillors in understanding the impacts of the proposal on the Council.


1.            Summary of the report

What is the situation

Why we want to do something

      Residents voiced concerns over the height of the proposed building envelope.

      Assure residents their concerns have been listened to and addressed.

This is what we want to do about it

These are the next steps

      Reduce the height of the building envelope.

      If committee approve entering into a conditional agreement for lease include a reduced demise envelope to 25m in height within the legal agreement.


1.1         The Council’s Administration are mindful of the concerns of residents over the future development of the Waterfront site.  The Administration wish to ensure residents concerns are listened to and addressed as part of the controls the Council is able to include within a land ownership-based lease transaction.

1.2         The proposed terms of the lease can control the height and mass of any new development, by way of the inclusion of a ‘demise envelope’ which limits the height of any buildings. This addendum sets out amended proposals that any new building height must not exceed 25m, whereas the original proposal was 30m.

1.3         If the Committee support recommendation of the Waterfront proposal to Full Council and the transaction is approved by Full Council, amended Heads of Terms would be prepared which would include the reduced demise envelope height at a maximum of 25m.

1.4    An image is contained within Appendix 1, which has been prepared by the developer for indicative purposes only to demonstrate a prospective building height and how this may look when compared to neighbouring buildings.  This Committee does not have and will not have any influence over design details and all decisions relating to building design will be considered by the Council in its capacity as Local Planning authority.

1.5       The visual has been included in this addendum only to demonstrate the extent a 25m demise envelope would appear and that this is equivalent to 6 residential storeys or 21m, but with additional height allowance for inclusion of setback roof level structure, which is shown in the illustration as accommodation rather than housing for mechanical and electrical plant. 

2.            Contact

2.1         Coralie Holman Group Head Assets



Background Papers


Appendix 1 – Revised Building Envelope red line comparison diagram